European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference 2012
ZenTra - Center for Transnational Studies
Universität Bremen

The Doctoral Tutorials




The 27th John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial in International Business


The Doctoral Tutorial will take place on Thursday Dec 12th, immediately before the start of the EIBA conference.The first objective of the Tutorial is to provide an opportunity to doctoral students in International Business to discuss their research plans and their work in progress with a distinguished international faculty. The second purpose is to enable them to become acquainted with the international EIBA-network of experts and colleagues working in the field of International Business.

If you are interested in this event, you are required to submit a 3-page abstract of the doctoral research currently being undertaken and a copy of your CV. The submission deadline for abstracts is September 2nd 2013. We recommend that applicants divide their 3-page abstracts into the following sections, and use the proportions shown as a guideline:

  • central research question addressed (to include a brief statement of the topic, and of the issue or problem that motivates the research) [10%];
  • theory and literature review [20%];
  • research design, data and methodology (to include hypotheses in the case of quantitative methods, and the methods of measurement and the generative questions that will guide grounded theory building in the case of those using qualitative methods) [30%];
  • expected results and summary of the evidence of the study thus far (to include if applicable an outline of any preliminary findings) [20%];
  • expected contribution and its significance to scholarship in the IB field [10%]; and
  • conclusions, and remaining concerns or problems to be overcome [10%].

Please include on your CV the name of your main thesis advisor, and the number of months (years) that you have been working on your thesis.

The number of participants in the Tutorial is strictly limited. We are particularly keen to encourage applications from doctoral students who, although not yet being close to having completed their theses, have already developed a clear idea of the data they will use (or are in the process of collection), and of their intended research design. That is, we especially welcome applications from doctoral candidates who are mid-way through their thesis.  We  also encourage applicants from schools that do not as yet have established IB faculty research groups.

The students who are selected to participate in the Tutorial will be requested to present a short paper about their thesis proposal. Participating students are required to register and attend the EIBA conference immediately following the Tutorial. An award of €1000 will be presented to the student with the most promising thesis abstract.




The 4th COST-EIBA Doctoral Think Tank


The Doctoral Think Tank (DTT) is jointly organised by EIBA and by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) programme, as part of the COST Action ISO905 project on ‘The emergence of Southern multinationals: their impact on Europe.’ The DTT will take place on Wed 11th Dec, immediately before the start of the EIBA conference.

The objectives of the DTT are similar to those of the Doctoral Tutorial, but the focus is on issues related to multinationals from emerging and transition economies. If you are interested in this event, you are urged to submit a 3-page abstract of the doctoral research currently being undertaken and a copy of your CV (using the guidelines set out above for the Doctoral Tutorial). The submission deadline for abstracts is September 2nd 2013. The number of participants is strictly limited. Participation is limited to students from or studying in countries that are member of COST and whose country representatives participate in the COST Action reserach project "the emergence of Southern Multinationals and their impact on Europe". Students who study in universities of the following 24 countries are eligible:

  • Belgium
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Serbia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom


It is likely that some other countries may join this COST project in the future.

The students who are selected to participate in the DTT will be requested to present a short paper about their thesis proposal. Participating students are required to register and attend the EIBA conference immediately following the DTT.



The 2nd EIBA Doctoral Symposium

The numbers of participants at both the 2013 John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial and the 2013 COST-EIBA Doctoral Think Tank are strictly limited, as both events involve a considerable amount of faculty time, and the current one-day format does not allow for more students to participate.

Applicants whose topics do not completely match either of the above events will be invited instead to apply for the 2013 EIBA Doctoral Symposium, which will take place during the afternoon of Thu 12 December– immediately before the start of the EIBA conference. The 2013 EIBA Doctoral Symposium will be chaired by Jeremy Clegg (University of Leeds) and Elizabeth (Yi) Wang (University of Leeds).

The Symposium will consist of several parallel 1½ hour sessions, attended by 2-3 faculty members. Three students will be allocated to each session and each will be asked to give a short presentation of their research work, after which they will receive feedback from the panellists. Participating students are expected to register for and attend the EIBA 2013 conference (i.e. this is a special conference event for registered PhD student delegates).

All applicants that are not accepted for either the 2013 John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial or the 2013 COST-EIBA Doctoral Think Tank will automatically be considered for the 2013 Doctoral Symposium.

The submission deadline for abstracts is September 2nd 2013.


For further details or inquiries, please contact the co-chairs: Jeremy Clegg ( and Elisabeth Yi Wang ( To ensure a prompt reply, please include both co-chairs on your e-mails.